C1 Magazines

 What is Representation?

Lo. To explore the concept of representation and stereotypes.

Representation is the way the media shows something in their own way so it can be bended to fit whatever they want.

Positive representations

These both represent teenager groups where they all work together to work out their problems and they always support and believe in each other, their friendships can't be broken and they are not stereotypical.

A stereotype is a generalised representation of a person, place or thing.
Do Now 
Friday, 20th September 2024.

1. Representation - the way the media shows something in their own way so it can be bended to fit whatever they want.
2. If its bias or stereotypical. Whether its positive or negative.
3. A stereotype is a generalised representation of a person, place or thing.
4. 3 2
5. Media Audiences, Media language, Industries, Representations and contexts.

Teenager : boy, Moody, messy, hoodie, always on phone, introverted, tall, rude, lazy.
Private School Boy : Posh, High voice, Really smart, Rich family, probably lives in a mansion, side parted blonde slicked hair, very short.
Grandmother : Old and very frail, rocking chair, curly white short hair, cat obsession, short and stubby.

Students : messy, loud, disruptive, not paying attention, stereotype negative
Teachers : stressed, trying to help, working hard, stereotype positive, saying they're proud of their students
Stereotypes spotted : messy and disruptive students, teachers telling off the children, students not being serious and acting like children. 

Representations in Magazines
LO : to explore the representations found in magazines.

Masthead - Name of the magazine brand. 
Cover lines - smaller pieces of text around the outside about the magazine
Main image - very big background image either the product or the model/person.
Main cover line -  the title/what the magazines about, this will me bigger than the smaller cover lines.
Puff - shapes of the front cover of a magazine which look like stickers.
Colour palette - colours used in the magazine. ( the main 2-4 colours)
Direct address - "you'' talking directly to audience or an image looking directly at you.
Star vehicle - the celebrity/ main character/ the model.

Do Now.
Friday 27th September 2024
1. Title of magazine ✔
2. Cover Lines 
3. Shapers of the front over of a magazine which look like stickers. 
4. Whether it positive or negative. 
5. Stereotypes. 

Representations in Magazines

Hows is Carrie Underwood represented in different magazines.
Cover 1 : Motherly, Farmer, Casual
Cover 2 :Pop-star, diva, popular
Cover 3: Fancy, Rich, Party

Why are there different? : For different audiences, Genre Conventions.

Happy, Glamorous, Cute

Differences : Colours, Audience, Topics.
Challenge : 
Colours - As pink is more associated with women and blue is more associated with men. Its to fit the genre and the audience.
Topics - what the magazines about and what the different gender/audience want.

In the the Cosmopolitan magazine magazine women are represented on it because of the colour pallet - Its pink and purple, The model itself is a woman wearing a dress and the cover lines state different things. For example "all her confidence secrets revealed" and "Flatter abs" are more associated with women and women's beauty expectations. However, in the GQ one the colour pallet - its blue, grey. The model its self is a man with a suit on. The cover lines also state different things like "how one day changed football forever" and "get the coolest shoes on the planet". Football is a male dominated sports and shoes are popular amongst men.

Do Now

Friday 4th October

1. Big and bold, bigger than the cover lines, over the main image. ✔
2. When the person on the magazine is looking directly at you, or using 'you'. ✔
3. Puff
4. Blue
5. Objectification is when a human gets treated like an object or an item for somebody.
Representation Task 

Lo : To create magazine covers showing an understanding of representation.
